Losing Sehrahahl

…In a town
                          east of
                                                    east of the Gold Rush
                                    made of old
                                                            dry wood

                                    Pahn and Jim Carrey                                                            
                        wander about the town                                    
                            with Sehrahahl

Jim leaves for a while                                       
and Pahn finds Sehrahahl
                                                            in small rooms
                                                and closets
    and when they meet                     
they hold each other…

…After a while
Jim comes back                                        
and Pahn knows Sehrahahl belongs
                                                            with him
so Pahn tells her to go with him                              
and they hug goodbye                                              

Pahn feels devastated
short of breath

Pahn walks around the hotel                                        
finding pocket change                                     
in all the rooms
 finally gold dollars                                     
from the 19th century

                     and around the corner                                     
he finds a purse                                    
fallen open                                           
with papers sliding out
Pahn begins to look at the papers                         
hoping to find out how long                            
it may have been there                   
 but he decides
he’d better not touch anything              
in case the woman has been kidnapped
   and the purse might have fingerprints
                                           or other evidence

He goes away to get help                               
then returns                                                                  
but he never finds out                                              
what happened                        
to the purse’s owner

                                    When Pahn begins to wake up
he realizes
that the feeling of loss
            when he left Sehrahahl—
the way it made his body feel
was the same       as how
                                    often he feels
when he wakes up
                                    in the morning

                                    And this is a revelation to him
            that the pain
                                          of loss resides permanently
                                                      in his body

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Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications

Dream International Quarterly
mojo risin'
The Muse Apprentice Guild (The MAG)

My Photos

brian dean bollman's photos More of brian dean bollman's photos