An Interruption

…along a corridor of a ‘70s modern redwood building he
finds the room that was Ahnjehlia’s where
        he played with her fashion dolls

                                  here he encounters
a dark-skinned woman with short
buttony hair and she is thin
and sinewy though not hard with
                                                  smooth dry skin and
                                              she becomes naked lying
                                    down before him           with her legs      apart
and he lies on top of her
parting her lips with his fingers
and pressing into her  
                                     she feels dry
but he presses further and
puts his hand down to her vulva
                             again and finds
                                    she is wet to the touch
             moving his fingers around           to be sure she is slippery
he presses into her again and
she still feels dry but
                     he pushes in farther anyway
and she makes no indication
of discomfort

suddenly he is aware of the room
and the window      into the corridor
and Aiks outside        standing
and he panics      pulling
out of the woman     and stepping
outside to see

Aiks in front of his son/self as a child—
she is sulking angry but not speaking
of his infidelity and he knows
she will tolerate it and
            after a while be beyond it

but it is an interruption            that they will never get over

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Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications

Dream International Quarterly
mojo risin'
The Muse Apprentice Guild (The MAG)

My Photos
brian dean bollman's photos More of brian dean bollman's photos