Forest House

and Pahn
have walked into
the large house of ancient tribes
A casual woman of
thick black hair .....thirty
and dark clothing weaving
in a chair among
cloth draped over

She smiles ...and Pahn
is wondering
.......................................if he is welcome not being
of those tribes
...................................(though Aiks may be)

They walk back into the dark
............................recesses of the building past
the quiet relaxed
.............industry of the forgotten

Aiks lies
down on a bed casually................................
left among the furniture
with the murmuring of women
and the trunks of redwoods

Self-possessed comments
...........come from the room about
.......................the old ways of making love
....................................slightly challenging
.....................................slightly fun-making

And Aiks has taken off
....................................her clothes
her skin dark in this dark light
her thighs ...vulva ...dry and tepid
......................................small and glabrous

he touches with the tip..........................
..............of his tongue to feel
the clean texture of the comb
and pushes together
..........the resilient ridges
...........with his lips
........................................and imagines what
..........................................else the women
...........................................could be

Aiks laughs fondly............................
............and gets up walking
......Pahn’s hand through the wooded
stores and out
where the floor
drops away...............................
into the forest… ......................................................


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Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications

Dream International Quarterly
mojo risin'
The Muse Apprentice Guild (The MAG)

My Photos
brian dean bollman's photos More of brian dean bollman's photos