Big Blueberries

…coming upon a small meadow unexpectedly
in a moment alpine
there are three struggling
bushes growing   well into the damp

Pahn calls out to Aiks

Of his find—
there is a red twig rose
a cluster of stems only
a handful of leaves
and by it
he sees
                        a smaller
with large fruits
that look black from a distance

Pahn examines

turning the berries finding
the unripe undersides
     the young blue green
and white   powdery bloom

He searches for uniform

He finds one round
    firm and fleshy     eats
what isn’t very sweet
but full     and wonders
                        is this a hybrid
                        a fugitive
                                                        from a farm
                                    a variant
                                                                   an undiscovered species?
He walks across the bog

Growing on a rock
is a wild garden of alpines
                        low mats of Androsace
and from a crack     a blueberry
plant     with holly-like leaves
that make him question
                                    if it is what he thought
                      and he may have eaten
                                    what could be poisonous

but in a moment he is
by the flavor…

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Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications

Dream International Quarterly
mojo risin'
The Muse Apprentice Guild (The MAG)

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brian dean bollman's photos More of brian dean bollman's photos