The Kahkahdrohm

Pahn has spent the evening looking at maps
of granite dome-land cradled
lakes and sleepily imagining sex toys…

Pahn is with guests
in his sunny simple
yard which he owns
now though he would never
own such a yard ...and his guests
remark lucky
he is ...that none of his neighbors
whose yards ...are all in view
have large ...barking .........dogs

He has never thought of this but concedes
that currently they do not…

…Pahn is in an auto repair shop
in the back office .....trying call someone
He has programmed the phone
so that he can easily call
the people he needs

(because he can never remember their numbers)

He goes to another room
and returns with Daphnis
...........................and Eeunks

Now it is a woman’s house ...Now
it is a shop again .......Now
the phones
(which finally are not black ...but
dull and hard ...plastic colors)

............................................are hanging
.............................from the ceiling

Pahn needs to call a lover.......................
..................but the program has been changed
and he doesn’t remember
to retrieve the numbers and names

Eeunks reaches over ..and tries
to show him to work the phone
but she too unsuccessful…

and Aiks
and Daphnis
and Eeunks
are in Ahnjehlia’s house
where Aiks has sent Daphnis to stay
to keep him away
..................from video games

As Ahnjehlia fades and out of Phthona
Pahn shrinks into a sea-turtle.....................................
with rubbery flippers ..that he doubts
he can walk with

An ominous sound insinuates
the outer reaches of the house
and they all run
into the family room
to the safety
of the couch

Pahn is slightly annoyed
that they have left him behind
but forgives them .......and slowly
makes his way
..........................around the corner

Aiks ...who is treating him
like a child ...thinks
he needs help get onto the couch
but her hands are

Pahn pulls himself.........................
onto the cushion.................................................
with his flippers .......brushing away
loose change beneath him
as he lowers himself
to rest.............................................

He doesn’t fit .....comfortably there
and his throat is lying
on the rattan arm
he clambers
back down to the floor
and tries to hide
under the couch .............where
he is not sure
............................if he will fit
As he pulls himself .........slowly
into the space of safety
that is too small for him ..he tries
to remember the name
of the fearsome creature.....

much like him
that is coming

He tries ‘Tortellini’ .........but
it is more like ‘Crocadoodle’ ....................and finally
though he knows .....that is not right

He lies under the couch ...waiting
and hears its rubbery
paddles on the hardwood ....It comes
around the corner ....menacing
It stops behind Pahn

Pahn is talking to someone now (Nomioss?)

He doesn’t feel it touch his hard back
and thinks for a moment
that he is safe .............but then
he feels suddenly
an appendage fleshy
.............................and flexible ...lying
across his neck .............and feeling
a jolt in his armpit .........he panics
he is having a heart-attack

It is only with time ...that he realizes
that the appendage his own arm
that he has ...subconsciously
..................................brought up to rest
......................................on his Adam’s

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Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications

Dream International Quarterly
mojo risin'
The Muse Apprentice Guild (The MAG)

My Photos
brian dean bollman's photos More of brian dean bollman's photos