
as a woman ...walks
in a bare
modern ...middle-class
hallway to the door
that he (she) has
forgotten how to open ...while
his (her) husband calls from the next room

“It’s Mother”

and Pahn muttering ...clears
the debris from the entry

.....................It’s Mother” ........imagining
a small ...elderly ...ill-tempered woman

When Pahn turns
back from the door
he is a detective investigating a robbery…
…after inspecting the house...................................
Pahn walks ......................................
down another hall ............................ a room like a children’s church
a list of things that thieves might steal .........things
that could be sold for cash
electronics ....
even ...paintings................
though he sees no artwork in the house

The list becomes...................................................
a collection of words that visitors
have found in envelopes ....and
.............taken with them as they left .....leaving
...................the discarded wrappers in the lobby by the

…Pahn has found
Ahnaheeta in the church .......leaning
over a plastic barrel of water
and when Pahn comes up to her
she stands up straight
and reads to herself
a list of attributes on the wall
and says
“you look into the bucket and tells you something about yourself today”

so Pahn looks......................................................
into the bucket and considers.................
the schema on the wall.............
and sees that it has changed

He cannot know what Ahnaheeta’s schema was

The chart consists................................................
of a series of characteristics..................
with a numerical rating........................
for current levels .............and
he finds to his surprise........................
that he is
............................above all else

through an oak savannah
along a road
at the bottom of an empty reservoir ...he marvels
that he is confident ...because
he had always thought
..........................that he wasn’t ..........and wonders

..................... “If it isn’t lack of confidence
then............................... must be something else”

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Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications

Dream International Quarterly
mojo risin'
The Muse Apprentice Guild (The MAG)

My Photos
brian dean bollman's photos More of brian dean bollman's photos